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=  meine Lieblings-WAVs


 PC-Sounds:   S o n s t i g e   H i n w e i s e




"Files downloaded."  9 1 männl. Computerstimme

"I am a HAL9000 Computer"  55 5 HAL9000 (aus '2001 Odyssee im Weltraum')

"Identify!"  17 1 weibl. Stimme

"After this there´s no turning back."   18 1 HAL9000 

"Password confirmed. Stand by."  31 2 weibl. Stimme

"Negative on password. Unable to comply."  36 3 weibl. Stimme

"This ship (?) will self-destruct in 20 seconds. This is your last chance to push the cancellation-button." 61 5 weibl. Stimme

"To start press any key. Where´s the anykey?" 39 3 (Homer Simpson) 

"Beginning file transfer" 54 1 männl. Computerstimme

"Accessing data. Please stand by." 52 2 weibl. Computerstimme

"Transfer of data complete" 26 2 weibl. Computerstimme

"Save data" 25 1 weibl. Computerstimme

"Open" 22 1 männl.

"Close" 29 1 männl.

"Working" 11 1 weibl. Computerstimme

"Aahh, the system works." 41 1 (?Bart Simpson?)

"Computer ready" 21 1 weibl. Computerstimme

"Computer standing by" 33 1 weibl. Computerstimme

"Standby" 36 1 männl. Computerstimme

"Perfect" 18 1 weibl.

"Excellent!" 29 2 Keanu Reeves + Alex Winter in "Bill and Teds excellent adventure"

"Real nice." 17 1 männl.

"Good work, my friend." 31 1 männl. (Austin Powers?)

"Be careful" 24 1 weibl.

"This is confidential" 17 1 weibl.

"Danger! Danger!" 12 1 männl.

"Tell me what you want me to do." 32 1 weibl.

"This disk will self-destruct in 5 seconds" 30 2 (Mission Impossible) 

"Evacuation order acknowledged" 49 2 weibl. Computerstimme

"I´ll see what I can do for you" 34 1 weibl., warme Computerstimme

"Initializing internet access" 81 1 männl. Computerstimme

"You´re now online" 61 1 männl. Computerstimme

"Now entering cyberspace" 67 1 männl. Computerstimme

"Now initializing windows" 71 1 männl. Computerstimme

"Program loaded and ready" 34 1 weibl.

"Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker" 54 4 männl.

"We are Microsoft.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile" 95 8 männl.

"Computer - what happened?" 21 1 (Cpt. Picard)

"Passcode required" 30 1 weibl. Computerstimme

"Please enter password" 60 1 männl. Computerstimme

"Please input proper code and password." 72 3 weibl.

"Login security passed" 29 2 weibl. Computerstimme

"Confirmed" 35 1 männl.

"Access denied" 30 1 weibl.

"Unknown" 13 1 weibl. Computerstimme

"Very well" 19 1 weibl. Computerstimme

"What is your desire?" 97 2 männl. Computerstimme

